Arezzo - Tuscany
One of the largest centers of Etruscan civilization during the fourth and fifth centuries, Arezzo is today known for its cultural events – including the Giostra del Saracino (Joust of the Saracen), which takes place in Piazza Grande and its monthly antique fair.
Places of interest include the Gothic, 13th century Church of S. Francesco – containing important works by important artists such as Loretino d’Arezzo, Spinello Aretino, Niccolò di Pietro Aretino and Piero della Francesca – as well as the Pieve di S. Maria, the Piazza Grande (also known as Piazza Vasari), the Palazzo del Tribunale, the Palazzo della Fraternità dei Laici and the grandiose Palazzo delle Logge. The imposing Duomo contains many notable works of art, including a fresco by Piero della Francesca.